
So on Sunday, I did the first tryout of this Project10, painting 10 different realistic artworks with both hands and feet at Museum Vlaardingen.Eight months ago, I broke my right big toe, and in those months, I never painted with my feet anymore. Besides that,...

The final touches for my Project10 at Museum Vlaardingen were about me breaking my tripod and placing a new under ground. My new underground was needed as stand out for my now black painted canvasses. I put black gesso on them because that will become...

It took a short while to figure out, but my final setup for my new Project, which I call Project10, is a fact. I am used to create art in my own studio from which I know the light conditions and I don’t have to...

My designs: ‘Enlightened Vision’, ‘When Eyes Enchant you’ and ‘Moonlight Fairy’ are now available on notebooks in the Museum Vlaardingen shop. The notebooks featuring a majestic black cat with intriguing eyes, a fairy making music on the moon situated in an infinite universe and an...

The PowerWomen Exhibition in Museum Vlaardingen, the Netherlands opened on International Women's Day and people can visit it until June 24, 2024.The official opening took place in front of a large audience in the museum's hall where several power women gave speeches.“There is still a...

I have been to Germany on invitation of Professor Güntürkün who is a well known neuroscientist. I had to undergo several neuro-psychological tests, like drumming, gaming, drawing and ipad exercises.Then I had to go in a MRI-scan for 45 minutes where they scanned my brain...

Preparations for the Live painting event at the museum are at full speed. 10 new paintings are about to come alive during her upcoming sessions. Always an exciting happening for her since the most difficult part of the whole creation is to start off from...

Preparations for tomorrow's 'Power Woman' exhibition and my feet painting is part of the exhibition among other power woman in Museum Vlaardingen https://www.rajacenna.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/Video-Mar-07-2024-18-50-38.mp4...

This is my first attempt trying oil painting and it was so much fun!  I started painting a bit late in my life probably, but better late than never!  I've always been into drawing since I was 16 and then I started painting with my feet for...