
The first new German Saturday night show of Was Kan Der Mensch / What are humans capable of - The Hirschhausen show premieres May 6th on WDR German TV. Doctor Dr. Eckart von Hirschhausen wants to celebrate humans and their abilities. Showing spectacular top performances of...

‘Peering Woman’ original white pencil drawing on black paper is up for sale in Rajacenna’s Art Shop. This drawing was part of a 4 simultaneously drawing session which is filmed for a national TV news report about Rajacenna July 28, 2022. The contrast between black art...

I was enjoying this part of the project. While working on the paintings; I first tried to simplify the part of the shadows and drew the shapes of the darker parts. Then Icould finally fill them in with more paint and blend it better together. In this...

This is the real time footage of The Woman Kind part 2 (from 5). In this part of the project I was still working on the faces of the paintings and also was really busy on the 3 drawings. Those particular portraits of the actors of the...

Rajacenna on Live Australia TV...

This was my second time of trying to draw with hands and feet. This video is the first part; the beginning stage of the project The Woman King. As you can see it’s a very slow process in real time but this way you can see...

9,5 hours of realtime footage creating 5 paintings with both hands and feet at a time for the movie ‘The Woman King’ Part 1 is now uploaded and available to watch on YouTube. The footage shows the slow process Rajacenna is performing constantly switching between different...

My newest video went viral within 24 hours (4 million) and it's so cool that Khaby Lame saw it and posted it in an Instagram Story! ...