
Rajacenna and Sander de Kramer The Blind Date Breakfast event in Rotterdam with Sander’s Heart Hunters was a major success. Within an hour the first match already was in the pocket and at the end there were a total of 15 matches made. This amount undoubtedly...

galileo crew In 2019 German TV-show ‘Galileo’, which is broadcasted in several other countries also; made a mini-documentary about Rajacenna at her studio in the Netherlands. During the filming of that episode they also covered the EEG-scan of her brain while she was drawing two different realistic...

Hartenjager As a part of ‘Sander en de Hartenjagers’ / Sander and the Heartchasers; I went to a catering company in Rotterdam, The Lunch Bunch; they prepare and deliver lunches for businesses. There I interviewed the owner and a employer who used to be a candidate...

Happy to be part of the Hartenjagers / Heartchasers in collaboration with the city of Rotterdam to create working places for disabled yet talented and unique people. Because every human being is unique and wants to use his or her talent in society.  Together with Dutch...