
Try Out Project10

So on Sunday, I did the first tryout of this Project10, painting 10 different realistic artworks with both hands and feet at Museum Vlaardingen.

Eight months ago, I broke my right big toe, and in those months, I never painted with my feet anymore. Besides that, the night before, I dropped my iPhone on my left toe and somewhat bruised it. So my two toes have now to deal with this project while they are a bit battered. To start again was a slight thing, but surprisingly, it went very well.

The very first hours of initiating a new feet project, I always have to see if I encounter any issues on the way. I never practice, and so I never know exactly what I can expect from starting a new challenge. The new challenge in this case is, of course, 10 paintings instead of the 6 and 8 paintings with both hands and feet I already did.

The paint I mixed the night before, and now I will use more colors than the black paint I was used to on the other artworks. I hope the colors and the creative artworks I will make this time will turn out well at the end.

To my surprise, this tryout went well, and now I feel more confident for the next sessions I will do at the museum.

You can watch the Livestream I did here.