The Early Stages of Project10

Last week I finally came through the crucial four hours of the beginning of my Project10. I’m now more relieved and ready to work further on the progress of all the artworks.

The initials layers of the images as you now see them, is still in the early stage. Although you can now see what subjects I am painting, this all needs another 30+ hours painting and filling in details like depth and shadows and of course a background eventually.

II’m slowly building up the artworks and also adjusting a lot and fixing mistakes where it’s needed. You now see a relative flat layer which all will become realistic at the end. I also been drawing with pencils in a few artworks and it will be covered with oil paint layers.

I have been drawing with pencils for 15 years now and I am also new to painting, but I like it very much and try to figure out my own techniques along the way.

The process is a bit slower to see when I’m working on 10 artworks and I also still have to get used to people seeing the artworks in such an early stage when there is still so much to be done! But very greatful for the people who have come to visit me in the museum so far!